Was There More Going On Behind Ilhan Omar's Close Reelection?

2 years ago

A caller from Minneapolis says that redistricting a week before the election may have cost Ilhan Omar votes. He said he went to his usual polling place and they directed him to another location where he would have to cast his vote.

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I wanted to bring this to your attention. It's weird. They redistricted us I think six to seven days before the election. And then as soon as you know some of their votes and all that like this is mass confusion at the polls. So I don't know if Don Samuel was actually one like would have won by as much or not how he didn't win. But I don't think Ilhan would have lost as much as she would have if you knew I got to my polling station they're like you gotta drive four miles down Cedar. And you know and that was the case with pretty much everyone. and they only did it in south Minneapolis. I mean so if I hear what you're saying is that the redistricting inhibited her margin of victory. That's right. That's your take. Yeah absolutely. I mean I saw people. I saw people going like you know what is this what's going on? You know no one else you know if you get there at 6 30 or whatever after work yeah I mean you don't have that much time. And people wouldn't have time but it's I think I think Minneapolis needs to be paid a little bit more attention to because we got dean Phillips and we got Jacob Frye who absolutely is going to primarily her in 24. I mean they got into some weird Twitter exchanges. I don't have social media. I don't know that stuff. But yeah they got into some weird Twitter exchange. Blah blah blah. It's an open secret that he's about to primary here at 24. Interesting yeah, he endorsed the challenger this time too. Oh, he did. I mean look, she's threatening. She's threatening people. she shouldn't be threatening the people. She's pretty much the bravest member of congress. Well, she's threatening the right people. Let's put it that way. exactly. She's not threatening and she's threatening to let you know the power base in the party. She's threatening to exactly you know so-called moderates who are actually conservatives. Because if first off within the context of Minnesota you know if she can do it then other people are going to be inspired as I can do it.

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