Tenth Sunday After Trinity

2 years ago

After meeting with Zacchaeus in Jericho, Jesus climbs the long 14 mile ascent to Jerusalem. After riding into the city on a donkey, He rounds the bend and sees the city of Jerusalem. He is moved to tears at how stubborn the people are and how He has come for her people but she refuses Him, Jerusalem’s salvation. Jesus then predicts her fall and destruction, a picture of the end of all those whose ways are to reject God’s Son. Join us this week as we consider this momentous chapter of the bible.

O'er Jerusalem Thou weepest
In compassion, dearest Lord.
Love divine, of love the deepest,
O'er Thine erring Israel poured,
Crieth out in bitter moan:
"O loved city, hadst thou known
This thy day of visitation,
Thou wouldst not reject salvation."

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