"You Are Not Black" Racist Blacks Tell Coloureds They Are Not From Africa! Khoisan are NOT Coloreds?

4 years ago

Trouble in the rainbow nation paradise? SA-News received a video anonymously, showing some blacks (bantu) racially abusing coloureds, telling them: "You are coloured, we do not have this colour on this continent (Africa)". The racist black goes on to tell the colored's to "follow their white sisters, the white people. This one (african continent) is for black people!"

The blacks then swear at the coloureds in Afrikaans, the language most coloureds speak - could this be the reason for anti-colored racism amongst Blacks in SA? Are these racist blacks even from South Africa?

In the second clip we see racist blacks from the sprawling Khayalitsha squatter camp outside Cape Town, chasing coloured policeman away, telling them "you are not black", "you are white in colour" and "you are racist" - even an albino joins in the racial abuse, seeming to mimic the false mainstream media narrative that anything that is not black is racist!

In the third clip we see KhoiSan, who are the first indigenous nation in Southern Africa, but have been denied this status by the black supremacist ANC government. They are protesting the ANC's refusal to grant them First Nation status as requested by the UN, and they have been lumped into the classification of coloured. Their unique click language is not even one of the official 11 languages of the abomiNation which is globalist South Africa.

In the final clip we see a Nama boy explain that there are 8 nations in South Africa, with his own names for them...

It is patently clear that multiculturalism does not work except to deliberately destroy diversity and the identity of peoples. With it's dozen or so nations, forced into one country, after the ANC's coup d'tat of 1994, South Africa is indeed structurally, systemically and institutionally genocidal!

It is also clear that having been given and taught this "racist" weapon, blacks have fully used it to attack others at every opportunity in order to take unfair advantage. This is black privilege in it ugliest form... this is the weapon globalist use to destroy nations...

It is high time we fought back and allowed each to live in their own space amongst their own, respecting their differences, in peace, alongside (not on top of) each other. That, after all is true diversity. The very thing globalists fear the most...

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