Fixing My Broken JUNK One Step At a Time Without Emptying My Wallet

2 years ago

The John Deere broke on the last video, so now it's time to fix it without paying that John Deere premium hopefully! I get creative to find parts to fix it without breaking the bank. While it's in the shop, it's a great time to put on another Nilight to replace the one-eyed headlight it had going on. Apparently somebody ran it into something, but nobody is saying anything.

Camden gets a motorcycle for his birthday, but some assembly required. He's never had one before so he's got to learn how to ride it. Luckily he's a quick study and gets the hang of it real quick.

Jeff breaks his truck and we go to help to get it back on the road. As soon as we get home, we get another call from another friend about a groundhog problem. From there we go to the local fair for some dinner and a bit of fun.

With Patti back in town and the John Deere fixed, she finally gets to mow our jungle.

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John Deere Amazon End:

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