Sam Gives Advice To College News Director

2 years ago

A college student from Iowa calls in to ask Sam's advice on how to run the college radio station.

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Hi, Sam is this me very sorry is this Keith center? It's it's it's what? Hi! My name is Case Spinner. I am the University of Iowa's news director. I was just calling to ask a question about what it means to be political on the radio and how to handle that. I'm really nervous about it. I'm going into my junior semester at the university. So if you have any suggestions or advice I would love that. Thank you so much. Okay well wait so you got to be more specific about what you're talking about. so but congratulations on your position at the college radio station. but what well so tell me now what so what's the question specifically? So my question specifically is that I'm not a journalism major. I'm an education major by nature. And so I wanted to know how I wanted to know best practices for radio and specifically for confronting my position as I understand it will mostly be confronting right-wing elements on my campus. and so I was wondering how to best achieve that. how best to do that. well if you're gonna if you're talking like you're gonna get into debates with people in my experience what I like to do when I'm questioning someone or when I'm I don't like to use the word attack but probing someone don't make sure that your question is simple. that there's only one premise or question involved in there right? So you said you were from Iowa? yeah. yeah okay. So let's say for instance you're coming at me and I'm like and so I would say to you this is what you should not do. Corn-loving people have cut education but how can corn-loving people justify cutting education by 25%?

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