As a Declining Oppressed Minority, Whites in SA Have a Right to Riot & Civil Disobedience, Like BLM!

4 years ago

If the black minority in USA (minority for now) can turn the world's most powerful nation upside down, everytime one of them is murdered, then the even smaller white minority in SA, who really do have racist prejudicial laws punishing them, can do the same

Anti Apartheid Activist Steve Biko said:
“Those who know, define racism as discrimination by a group against another for the purposes of subjugation or maintaining subjugation. In other words, one cannot be a racist unless he has the power to subjugate.”

So, a minority can not be racist, because they do not have the power or ability to subjugate and implement racist policies. The ANC has a majority power and the ability to implement racist policies, and they are!

For this reason, calling a white person or someone from any minority in South Africa "Racist", should be classed as hate speech!

This goes beyond the left right paradigm, it is time to get out of that pigeon hole they force us into.

It is only when an abused person speaks up or shouts out, that their abuser gets noticed! If white south africans do not shout out and stand up, their abuser will continue abusing them! Full Stop!

The ANC, EFF, PAC or BLF ARE NOT A MORAL AUTHORITY! The mainstream media have brainwashed you into subconsciously thinking and accepting that what they say is authoritative! Even the Mainstream Media are not a moral authority! Even the Churches are no longer moral authorities.
However it has gone beyond that - it is now a matter of survival, and there are no morals when it comes to fighting for survival!
THEY chose the black versus white paradigm, not us! THEY chose to classify us all into the same group and castigate, attack and oppress us.

Do you want your family or yourself to be murdered in the middle of the night while you sleep, or be shot in cold blood on your driveway or at a traffic stop, just because some lazy blackman, who has been told he has a right to attack you, wants to steal your phone?

The black man that is attacking you has been given authority to do so by the ANC government, the EFF, BLF and mainstream media, but that does not make it right and you should not accept it!

Why does the mainstream media not use all their investigative journalistic talents and ample resources to expose the political affiliations and ideologies of farm murders, home invaders and hijackers whenever they kill a white person?
When a white person kills a black person they spend days and weeks scouring social media looking for comments or posts with which to label him as a white supremacist. His political affiliations or leanings are splashed on front page headlines!

There have been many cases where it is clear a farm murderer or home invader has been radicalised by the EFF, BLF, PAC or even ANC, but nothing is done.


They live among us! If a white person dare declare membership to some "far right" group they are immediately branded as white supremacists, castigated and even sacked, even though they have not actually committed any crime.

There are white people who would sooner see another white person savagely and brutally murderered, than see a black person critisised or insulted. They have lost all sense of proportionality and have been brainwashed by radicalism from the EFF, BLF, PAC or ANC.
There are liberal white people who actively search for other whites to out them as supposed racists, but these same liberal whites do not troll black groups and forums searching for blacks who make racist statements and then out them? So what they are doing is abusing their access to the white community, abusing the fact that they have a white skin and name and family and friends, in order to betray their own.
I call it selling kith, kin and country for globalist coin or false virtue.

The liberal whites whitemail blacks into becoming defenders of their globalist “integrationist” policy. Over and over again this policy has failed minorities. In all mixed countries and organisations, the main concerns end up being those of the majority, the same people who are ALL beneficiaries of minority oppression.

YOU cannot support BLM and still claim whites should allow themselves to be oppressed and killed off like this. You cannot support BLM and still say crime affects all in SA - crime affects all in USA too, but you are not saying that when you support BLM are you?


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