The Helper -Prof. Kent Hodge

2 years ago

John 14, and going on to verses 15-18
“In my father’s house are many dwelling places.” This is like the tabernacle in the wilderness, with many tents around it. It means one family, with people from all backgrounds. Jesus went to the cross to make (prepare) this family. It is his temple that renews the creation, as Ezekiel 47-48 depicts.
Jesus is building the family of God, or church.
It is a family of love, which means faithfulness, which means we keep God’s commandments, reflecting the cross, that heals relationships and unites.
It is a family like the temple in Eden where God dwells with us, by his Spirit.
“Another helper.” “Another” means another just like Christ.
This is Hebrew trinitarian theology. It is Emmanuel theology: one “God with us” as Father, Son and Spirit. With us as creator, with us in incarnation, with us in the church.
“I will come to you.” When the Spirit fills you, it is the same God.
“Helper” means he is the one we rely on. He helps us in every situation. He provides everything we need.
We are to follow him in being a helper to one other in our family of God.
1 Corinthians 12:28, “And God has set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.”
Helps is the motivation for all the gifts. When we are motivated by helps, we are in line with the Holy Spirit’s character and mission. When God sees you are a helper, he will use you. If you want God to use you, start helping.
These gifts are not to promote ourselves, but to help others. Whenever we use the Holy Spirit to promote ourselves, it is another (different) spirit.
Don’t take the glory. Three things in ministry you must not touch: the glory, the gold and the girls. The three G’s."

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