Civil War? "So be it" says Malema: "I'm Not Talking About AK47" - BUT He Tweets a Picture of AK47!

3 years ago

#Senekal Julius Malema has fervently declared on TV that he is not afraid of "white terrorists" or their retired soldiers and Generals. If it turns into a Civil War, he says he's ready for it. This AFTER he spoke with Bheki Cele! The village of Senekal is on everyone's lips. This is where the young Brendin Horner lost his life and Boer Afrikaners finally put their foot down, and as one voice said out loud: Enough is enough! The slaughter of our Boers can no longer be tolerated. On October 6, 2020, Boers expressed their displeasure during the court proceedings of the two suspects responsible for Brendin's death. Suddenly everyone's eyes are on the quiet Senekal in the Free State.
The planned meeting tomorrow, 16 October 2020, provoked reaction from all quarters even abroad. Farmers and supporters are planning a peaceful, mass gathering. The day is not about retaliation or provoking a Civil War, but about standing up against a government that does not want to acknowledge the danger of being a farmer. A mass of people who want to mourn like one over the thousands of Boers and their families whose lives have already been ruined.
Several people are already in the vicinity of Senekal. For security reasons, the location cannot be named. A task team already there says that: "... arrangements for tomorrow change all the time, we're packed and ready." - Kyle-
Strict rules have been put in place and warnings are issued against the use of alcohol and firearms. There is concern about the EFF's actions in particular, should they show up at one of the roadblocks, for example. For our perople, there is an unknown day ahead, no one knows what to expect, but believe, hope and pray for everyone's safety and the peace they seek.
“... reconciliation rather than a Civil war... ”- Brett-
Groups already on the road report that there is a clear presence of traffic officers on the roads. There is also not much confidence in Beke Cele's announcement during a meeting with AgriSA, that he ensures the safety of all citizens in Senekal.

Planning for Events in Senekal Friday:

SAPS planning.
Only SAPS is involved. No Army.
NO ONE will be allowed near or in the vicinity of Magistrate's office.
All roads directly around are blocked off, so too on the hill.
The three groups will be clearly separated.
EFF buses enter town from Kroonstad, turn off into Malan street, the supporters are dropped off in Dreyer street next to the Stone Church and empty buses park on the old taxi stands.
EFF supporters from Matwabeng will come along the road to join the large group next to the Church.
SAPS will not allow any march or movement. They are confined to their area. They will also be picked up there by buses.
Matwabeng supporters leave town via Dreyer Street.

Afrikaner Boer group.
The members are limited to parking at road stall, open field next to commando offices and the empty piece of field next to old age home where taxis park nowadays.
Members can meet on the dual carriageway (Van der Wall Street) from the N5 to the turn-off to SAPS station. No further movement is allowed.

Their gathering takes place in the open field directly North of the old commando offices.
All facilities there are provided by Afriforum itself as well as safety measures.
Speakers from Afriforum and Solidarity will perform. Names follow later.
The proceedings start at 10h00.

We, the members of the Afrikaner Boer War Room herewith demand from the President of the Republic of South Africa and the Minister of Police the following:
1. The immediate release of André Pienaar on bail, on the grounds the he is not a flight risk. It is clear that the government intends to make an “example” of Mr Pienaar. Keep in mind that one of the accused in the Senekal matter, who is obviously a danger to the public, was arrested and released again at least 15 times, before he brutally murdered an
Afrikaner Boer;
2. That the government and the South African Police immediately and properly fulfill their constitutional obligation to prevent, combat, investigate, convict and punish crimes committed and criminal offenders, including brutal attacks and despicable murders on farm owners and farm dwellers, their children and families. Should the government fail, we will be forced to do this ourselves;
3. That the South African Police Service not be used as an authoritarian instrument by the government for their own political agendas; 4. The Afrikaner Boers will gather in Senekal should we choose to. We undertake not to promote nor commit any acts of violence, but we will not hesitate to protect ourselves or the South African Police Service, should the situation necessitate it;
5. Further communication will follow.

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