How The Professional Managerial Class Stand In The Way Of Progress

2 years ago

The Professional Managerial Class or PMCs are liberal white-collar workers who ensure that the status quo remains the same.

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So the professional-managerial class today are people who hold higher degrees. often belong to professional organizations like doctors and professors like me. We have professional organizations that are supposed to regulate what we do. Lawyers have the bar association. And within this class we also have striations. Because people go to a state school like the one I teach in which is still, you know, pretty elite. They are different from people who go to the ivy league or different from people who go to the small liberal arts colleges. and today's media and content producers are inordinately dominated by PMC people who have gone to elite universities and elite graduate schools and then come from a very tiny handful of schools. mostly on the east coast. So to give a little historical background there are also white-collar workers right? And I like to define them as people who are not working with their bodies. So in 1900 let's say in America which was mostly agricultural and with a growing industry based. They're only three percent of like white-collar workers or professionals. and today they make up about 25% of the workforce. They were defined by Barbara and John Ehrenreich as a group of vanguardists on the liberal left in 77 who were completely taking over left liberal organizing spaces like the democratic party. and what they saw was this professional manager-class dominance of liberalism at the expense of working-class people and working-class interests. So that's one thing I want to make clear. the other thing that I've noticed online because I sometimes do spend a lot too much time online. is that people have started taking up working class as a kind of purity politics. like I'm working class you're a PMC scumbag. and it's like that's not class analysis. The PMC actually loves to moralize things. and to make things pure. like they're pure. They recycle. Do you know lifestyle maintenance-type things?

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