Is Malema a South African or Zimbabwean or Ethiopian? Malema Lies: "No White Farm Murders in SA!"

4 years ago

Malema (or Marema?) Exposed!
Malema, or his bosses, are clearly deliberately provoking white farmers to try get them to make a foolish mistake, otherwise he must think his black followers are very dumb! He literally walked out the Senekal courtroom after the bail hearing for the two farm murderers suspected of murdering Brendin Horner, a white farmer, and told the crowd that there are no white farm murders in SA!

There are no farm murders in SA" Malema tells his supporters who has earlier sung the song Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer. This is the blatant lie Julius Malema said when he addressed a crowd of his supporters in Senekal yesterday, 16 October 2020.
Netwerk24 also reports that a splinter group of the EFF supporters, dressed in red, broke away around 10:00 in the morning and surrounded a white group which came to Senekal to protest farm murders. The meeting place of the farmer group was some distance away from the centre of town where the EFF was supposed to be. The white group, which was on their way to their designated meeting place, then stood still and did nothing provocative whilst the EFF supporters sang "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer."
The EFF supporters also drew their fingers over their throats to signal their intention to kill and they also had knobkieries, gholf clubs and hokkie sticks with them.
The EFF group also stoned a motorcycle group which were leaving town before they moved away from the farm murder protest group.
Malema made his supporters wait the whole day in the sun before addressing them around 16:00, while he sat in a cool courtroom with Bheki Cele.
Malema also claime dthe tired old propaganda piece that white people did not come to Senekal to protest farm murders, but because they wanted to maintain the pattern of land possession in the country.
Of course that is a subject of many lies by blacks, that whites own all the land. It is for instance never mentioned how much land the State owns in South Africa or how much the black Trusts own.
Malema also admitted that if a black and a white man seeks the same job, the black man will get the job, but it is apparently due to the ancient history of the country.
It seems that Malema is the new Ramaphosa. Malema's blunt and brusque (does he speak in any other way) statement that "THERE ARE NO FARM MURDERS IN SOUTH AFRICA" must make all of us just more determined to expose farm murders to the world for what it is - a campaign of terror, a slow war to drive white people off land, an ethnic cleansing campaign.
We will never ever accept that the blood, tears and pain of our people vanish just because Malema says there are no farm murders in South Africa.
What is it with black supremacist politicians and liberal/globalist puppets and projects like Malema and farm murder denial?
Let us just quickly look at facts again. We will never ever again let black politicians and their liberal white friends pull the wool over our eyes and make us accept the slaughter on us with the " ordinary crime" narrative again. Not anymore.
It is not just farm attacks either, the same type of attacks, which are accompanied with extreme violence and torture, are now happening in our towns and cities.
We are not doing this to ourselves. We must now call it what it is - black-on-white terror.
Let us never be silent again.

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