Uninterruptible Power Supply hack

3 years ago

Danger! Do not attempt this one if you are unfamiliar with electrical concepts and alternating currents. This tutorial at best will save you $30 from not having to buy a replacement battery, but at worst can burn down your residence or electrocute you.

The unit was unplugged and all on-board capacitance discharged prior to tear down. Only the very last few moments of this video was the unit plugged in and tested under "controlled" conditions.

Electroboom (https://www.youtube.com/c/Electroboom), BigClive (https://www.youtube.com/c/Bigclive), and Afrotechmods (https://www.youtube.com/c/Afrotechmods) have loads of useful information on how electronics work, so I suggest placing an order for a replacement battery for your defunct UPS unit, and watching these silly, but informative video productions until your parcel arrives.

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