MR. NON-PC - The Pennsylvania Exodus

2 years ago

It's been happening since early 2020 in a big way, there has been a mass exodus occurring in the "once great state" of Pennsylvania!

Maybe it's happening in your state, not just here in PA, but the general population is sick and tired of "lockdowns" and politicians that went waaaaaaaay too far!

I'll make a very bold statement, the entire state of Pennsylvania will turn into a larger version of what happened in Detroit or Flint Michigan!!

With record amount of businesses closed and closing, record homes for sale, record crime and record unemployment...there is really no turning back for the state of PA.

Sadly it didn't just begin with the CovidCult, Pennsylvania has been failing for years now. The city of Pittsburgh once had great restaurants, dance clubs, nice and SAFE neighborhoods but not anymore!

The biggest folly of the "PC-Peepz" is that they think that some sort of magical moment or politician is gonna "fix" all these problems, but that will NEVER happen!

Anyone that wants to live a better life MUST leave these rotten states like PA, and instead of trying to "vote with their ballot" instead must "vote with their feet" and leave for greener pastures and a better life in another state!

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