J6 Attorney Declares Multiple Groups Operated Crowd to Create Insurrection Image | Ken Good, Brad Geyer

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The narratives of January 6th have created an uninterested indifference with Americans. However, the prisoners still held must experience the efforts of those that seek to change the fundamentals of the U.S. Constitution. The Oath Keepers defendants, among others, face the Marxist force of those with everything to gain by their convictions. Is there proof of a sinister conspiracy to use Americans to seize power?

Brad Geyer joins to discuss the events of January 6th and the suffering of his client. Through this information will we find out that government officials are complicit in a coup?

Crime has increased throughout the whole nation, especially in urban areas. Releasing of criminals into the communities have resulted in higher rates of gun-related crime. Attorney and member of Professional Bondsmen of Texas, Ken W. Good, joins to discuss the reasons why the country has erupted in a crime wave due to leftist policies in criminal justice.

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