Pioneers of The Great Awakening Series - Session 6: Praying Medic

2 years ago

Planet 🌎 Homemaking Podcast - The Pioneer Series are interviews with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.

Planet 🌎 Homemaking focuses on informing of Earth’s present situation and helping us heal our misunderstandings of reality so that we may contribute our own unique genius and the brilliance of our spiritual heritage towards building the foundation of a Real Home World.

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Session 6:

Praying Medic

My life prior to the year 2000 was pretty ordinary. I was an atheist, doing the best I could to keep things moving in a positive direction. One day, I had an encounter with Jesus in the bunk room of a fire station that forever changed my life.

In 2008, God appeared to me in a dream and said He would heal my patients if I prayed for them. I didn’t believe in healing at the time, but I reluctantly began praying. I had no idea what I was doing, but along the way, I stumbled upon some keys to operating in healing and miracles. In 2009, I began blogging about the people I prayed with who were being healed.

I write about a variety of subjects including healing, dreams, seeing in the spirit, hearing God’s voice, economics, politics, and Qanon.

I’ve written sixteen books to date that you can find on my website:

And you can support our online Christian church at:

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