Liberals Have Politically Demobilized The Working Class And Its Costing Them Big Time

2 years ago

The Democratic Party is increasingly focusing on cultural issues that provoke outrage in their base. That rage is then funneled into encouraging donations and votes on election day in order to stay in power. But the working class is abandoning the Democrats and moving more to the Republicans. Why is that?

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Most working-class people are completely politically demobilized. They say they don't the two parties don't care about them. And it's true. They don't. so one of the things that have happened though within the past couple of years is that there has been a non-college educated you could say more conservative small business owner petty bourgeois aspect and working-class aspect of the Hispanic Latino vote that is peeling away from the democrats. And I think that that is really an important phenomenon to take into account. with Asian Americans as well. We have to look at the configuration of liberalism that focuses completely on cultural issues. that doesn't look at larger infrastructural issues like medicare for all or even public transportation. Things that would actually materially improve a lot of people who are freelancers or people who are contractors. like actually getting national healthcare in place. we can never do that. We do a lot of cultural stuff on the liberal side. and people like working-class Latinas and Hispanics and Asian Americans two of the largest you know I mean most quickly growing constituents they're appealing away from democrats. So I'm you know I'm just like keep going guys you know appeal to your you know small liberal arts college seminar constituents and look at what's happening outside the window. and but like in my most conspiratorial moments like I think this is what they want they want a demobilization. they want disillusionment with the liberals they want cynicism. and then it creates more reaction so they can create more outrage the outrage feeds machine it feeds like the fundraising apparatuses like nancy Pelosi getting on you know my texts getting my DMS going you know we need 15 dollars from you because well versus weight has been overturned.

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