Ramaphosa the Black Supremacist, has NOTHING to teach USA about Democracy! White South Africans do!

4 years ago

Nice Guys Finish Last: Ramaphosa seems to love to preach from his high and mighty podium of righteousness and black privilege, and now he has even claimed he can teach the mighty USA a thing or two about democracy?

This is the man who claimed Covid knows no colour, then proceeded to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency relief? The man who wants to expropriate all white owned land with no compensation?
Is that what Ramaphosa wants to teach USA? How to be a supremacist and a racist yet still look like the good guy by owning and controlling the media?

If anything Ramaphosa should be given the same character assassination treatment that the media and left have dished out to Trump 24/7 for four years! People like the mixed race supremacist Trevor Noah, who has become so rich out of racebaiting and Trump bashing, he has bought a mansion for 27 Million dollars! Four years of character assassination, insults and slander every night, yet despite talking tough, Trump did nothing. Democrats however talk nice, but quietly and even secretly do nasty things, just like Ramaphosa...

Ramaphosa and the whole ANC for that matter should be smeared, chastised, belittled, falsely accused for everything under the sun, because there certainly is more grounds for that than there are for Trump, who despite his harsh rhetoric ,was too nice and soft on his opponents, as a result he lost. He failed to depoliticize the civil service, failed to get rampant Big Tech under control and was remis in applying law and order when the democrats went on uncontrolled riots, looting and burning sprees. Ramaphosa has done the same and then some! The cadre deployment campaign has basically turned the civil service into the ANC party! Everyday there are dozens of protests with structures being burned and looted with impunity, yet Ramaphosa sits in his ivory tower doing nothing.
Is that what Ramaphosa wants to teach USA? Marxism and Socialism?

Yet mainstream media still broadcast all his lies and rhetoric like dutiful party workers! Indeed the mainstream media themselves have been turned into extensions of the ANC party machine...

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