Heaven Land Devotions - Always Give To God The Best You Have

2 years ago

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How many of us have shrunken back from the thought of being a teacher of the word of Jesus Christ? We have been brought up in a sense at the feet of Gamaliel as a post modern class of Christians. Paul the Apostle was educated by him who was a renowned teacher of the law.

Yet Paul, though he was a "Pharisee of Pharisees," after he was born again, had to relearn. He had to know how to love. Not by his own love, but from the love that he himself was loved of God.

Love is the essence of all workers in Christ. In several places Paul speaks about he and others being called to be "workers together with Christ." Yet, he admonishes them believers in Hebrews 5:12 that he expected them to be teachers by the time that he came back to see them.

So what does this really mean? We are all called in some form or fashion to "be workers together with Christ." We also "have not received the grace of God in vain." How can that living water be stopped up if it is really His life in you?

If the heavens and earth cannot contain Him, how is He not coming forth from us if He truly does live in us? The love of God is the purest essence and power of teaching, working and being among all people. No one can be a true vessel of Jesus Christ unless it is done by and through the power of His love via the Holy Spirit.

Right where you are called, and what you are experiencing in life is the shaping, molding and character building He is doing in you. I love the words of Oswald Chambers below:

"Always give the best you have got every time; never think about who you are giving it to, let the other people take it or leave it as they choose. Pour out the best you have, and always be poor. Never reserve anything, never be diplomatic and careful about the treasure God gives. Always NOW is the secret of the Christian life."

How beautiful! You will never go wrong in anything you do for the Lord in word, deed and in your daily manner of life in sincerity. Your life as a worker is the way you say "Thank you" to God for His unspeakable gift."

“There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for.”
― Elisabeth Elliot

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