Space Aliens - Alex Jones

2 years ago

"all this is a societal wrecking ball to destroy any semblance of normality, any semblance of basic human biology that you see in the bees and you see in the birds, a magic swaying a demon outfit showed up next to a baby baby giraffe and said, hi, i'm a demon. ah be inclusive. don't be mean to me. let me wear demon horns and come up, and look like a complete alien from other planet. let a space alien. and by the way, this is a program they dress up like space aliens all over the united states and all over the world. i told you in horrible demon psychopath outfits that make pennywise look beautiful. and they show up and they have their way with your children in demon outfits. i mean, if you've got men that look like four hundred pound goblin demons with your children, there's nothing you all put up with. there isn't a species on the planet that would let some of the books like a space alien get up post to its cats, but only in america does it happen and i'm sick of it. i'm tired of it right now....." 😂

#SpaceAliens #DragQueen #DragQueenStoryHour #AlexJones

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