Pittsburger Rebbe ztl during the Jewish Holidays

3 years ago

Grand Rabbi Mordechai Yissachar Dov Ber Leifer, ztl Pittsburger Rebbe of Ashdod, E. Israel, leading his Hassidim in the celebration of the Jewish Holidays of Tishrei, 5766-2005

1. Selichos - Pennitant Prayers, before the New Year, said at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
2. The Rebbe visiting his father's grave in Jerusalem.
3. Celebrations the night after the end of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
4. The Rebbe placing the schach-covering over his Sukkah (Tabernacle).
5. The Rebbe celebrating the Jewish feast of Sukkos (Tabernacles).
6. The Rebbe celebrating the feast of Hoshana Rabba.
7. The Rebbe after the end of Simchas Torah.

Pittsburger Hassidim
Pittsburger Rebbe: Grand Rabbi Mordechai Yissachar Ber Leifer

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