Spiritual Bypassing and Inner Bonding

2 years ago

Blog: http://psychreviews.org/spiritual-bypassing-and-inner-bonding/

Spiritual bypassing is a term coined by John Welwood, which defines his experiences he had in meditation communities where practitioners used meditation to skip the work of resolving emotional wounds and unfinished childhood development. To nip this problem in the bud, I chose a modality to explore that has helped me in the past and still helps to this day.

Inner Bonding is a process by Dr. Margaret Paul which is a modality of healing that creates a solid foundation for spiritual or philosophical practices. Before we see the impermanence of the self, we first need to get to know the self.

Intro: 0:00
Healing your aloneness: 1:18
Intention: 6:16
Feel the feels!: 7:37
The Abandoned Child: 8:23
The Loved Child: 10:38
Inauthenticity: 11:43
Inner Bonding vs. Inner Slavery: 13:06
Choose to connect: 14:26
Self-intimacy and relationships: 15:13
Inner Bonding: 10:06
Outro: 29:13

Spiritual Bypassing interview with John Welwood:


Books by Margaret Paul:

Inner Bonding: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780062507105/

Healing Your Aloneness: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780062501493/

Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by You? By Jordan Paul and Margaret Paul: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781568387963/

Stock music, footage and photos by Storyblocks

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