Make this Necklace Honouring the Environment | Fashion Inspo | How to Wear a Necklace | #shorts

2 years ago

#makeanecklace #craftnecklace #craft
#necklace #handmade #handmadecraft
#howtostyle #statementnecklace
#shorts #reels #reelsofinstagram

-Watch the Video till end to see how to combine this beautiful piece
What does Cool, Creative & Unique Looks Like when You take care of the Environment?

--Materials: Fine Lace Circles, Recycled & Repurposed Necklace Base-Chaine Maille, Thread, Lace Flowers, Craft Glue, Glitter, Leaves & Recylced Beads (I ended up not using them)
--Tools: Pliers, Scissors, Cold Heated Gun & Stick, Needle, Tweezers, Thread & Metal Cutters, Lighter, Craft Glue, Hook
--Findings: Jump Rings

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