White Erasure

2 years ago

An overview of White erasure and the bio-spirit, inspired by Jason Köhne’s book Go Free. Images of Western Civilization are photochrom prints from the 1890s and early 1900s.

Jason Köhne:
Go Free on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2MQ030U
Born Guilty on Amazon: http://a.co/d/6CTiA1B
Prometheus Rising on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2TbY75P
Crucible on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3mLoBbw

Photochrom prints: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Photochrome_prints_by_country

White erasure: When to the detriment of White Wellbeing: The removal, rewriting, renaming, defacing, expunging, etc. of anything related to or of Westernkind.

White erasure. You can see it just about everywhere in Western Civilization today, in some places much more than others. It’s been happening for decades, and it isn’t showing any sign of slowing down.

All countries, cities, and towns of Western Civilization were built primarily, if not entirely, by Westmen, members of Westernkind, and they will remain only while Westernkind represents the vast majority of the population in these places. Only Westernkind can create and maintain Western Civilization. There is no Western Civilization without Westernkind.

All of the races of man have their own bio-spirit. The bio-spirit is the natural, historic, and expected thought and behavioral pattern distinct to a people. When the vast majority of people in a country, city, or town have the same bio-spirit, that location serves as a reflection of their bio-spirit. The people in that location shape the environment to be in harmony with their bio-spirit. Those with a different bio-spirit in that location will conform to the dominant bio-spirit. However, as those with a different bio-spirit increase in numbers, they will gain numerical courage, and begin to project their bio-spirit onto that location. For example, Chinese build Chinatowns when they achieve numerical courage. This is physical proof that it is not the similarities that make us the same, but the differences that make us different. As the percentage of Westmen declines in an area that was once a clear representation of Western Civilization, that area begins to represent Western Civilization less and less and begins to represent the bio-spirits of other peoples more and more.

To allow or facilitate the White erasure of Western Civilization is grossly immoral. Westmen built these countries, cities, and towns for themselves and their descendants. These places were meant to be inherited by future generations of Westernkind, and no government, business, organization, or individual has the right to take that inheritance from them.

The ideology of antiwhitism and the actions of antiwhite entities and individuals has led to White erasure. Antiwhite governments pass laws which allow for White erasure to take place; they insufficiently enforce laws that prevent White erasure via illegal means; they also encourage or even force businesses to White erase their staff. Antiwhite businesses facilitate White erasure in efforts to improve their bottom line, and they market their products and services with White-erased ads. Antiwhite schools facilitate White erasure by setting different standards for the acceptance of nonwhite applicants. Antiwhite entertainment media encourages White erasure, and even White erases the history of Westernkind. Antiwhite sports organizations White erase their athletes. Antiwhite news media promotes White erasure and minimizes coverage of the harm caused by it.

The White erasure of Western Civilization must be put to an end. Entities and individuals complicit in White erasure must be pressured to put an end to their antiwhite practices. Westernkind is a great and glorious people and has every right to retain ownership of the civilizations built by their ancestors, places in which they can freely express their bio-spirit and feel harmony with their environment.

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