Stage 4 Lockdown is back in Victoria - Daniel Andrews Delivers Gold Standard

3 years ago

Daniel Andrews has kept his promise and delivered the "Gold Standard" for the people of Victoria by reintroducing Stage 4 Lockdown to help with failures in the State Labor Governments revamped Hotel Quarantine program. Victoria is once again number 1 in Australia thanks to the diligent work of our Premier and his team.

These are the Stage 4 Lockdown Rules & Restrictions - Current timeframe is: 11:59PM FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY TO 11.59PM WEDNESDAY 17 FEBRUARY, 2021
• Shopping for necessary goods and services (one person per household, once per day, a support person can accompany
if required)
• Caregiving or compassionate reasons
• Essential work or permitted education
• Exercise (can leave for two hours of exercise)
• Other specified reasons (specific exemptions apply)
• Intrastate travel: travel limit of 5km from place of primary residence
• Face coverings:
• Must be carried at all times
• Must be worn indoors and outdoors except if at home, or if an exemption applies
• Private gatherings: Not permitted. Intimate partner visits are allowed.
• Public gatherings: Not permitted (two people for exercise, or members of your household)
• Work: If you can work from home, you must work from home (Unless designated as essential work)

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