Something Greater than Solomon | Jesus Brought the Kingdom of God

3 years ago

Jesus said, "The queen of the South…came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here" (Matthew 12, verse 42). This verse isn't worded the way we’d expect! Wouldn’t we expect Jesus to say, "...someone wiser is here"? Why did He say something? He said something because He’s referring to more than just Himself. He’s also referring to the kingdom He brought with Him.

God become a Man in the Person of Jesus Christ. He came from heaven to earth. He brought the kingdom with Him. He was near the people: they could see Him, hear Him, and even touch Him…which is why they said the kingdom is “NEAR or “AT HAND.” The rest of the sermon focuses on this kingdom, and how it’s greater than Solomon’s kingdom.

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00:00 Sermon Lessons for Something Greater than Solomon Is Here

06:54 Lesson 1: _________ _______ the kingdom of God with him (2 Samuel 7:16 cf. Luke 1:30-33, Matthew 3:22, 4:17, 10:7, Luke 10:9-11).

19:07 Lesson 2: ______________ ____________________ the glory of Christ’s future kingdom (Matthew 12:42, John 5:39).

Lesson 3: Jesus is greater than Solomon in:

25:57 • (Part 1) his knowledge ____ ____________ (1 Kings 10:1-3 cf. John 2:24, Hebrews 4:13).

31:07 • (Part 2) ______ ____________ he prepares (1 Kings 10:4-5 cf. Revelation 19:9).

35:50 • (Part 3) his _________________ ______ (1 Kings 10:6-8 cf. Genesis 2:15, 3:17-19, Revelation 22:3).

40:02 • (Part 4) his __________________ ____ justice (1 Kings 10:9, 3:28 cf. Isaiah 11:3-4).

Family Worship Guide for Something Greater than Solomon Is Here

Day 1: Read 2 Samuel 7:16 cf. Luke 1:30-33, Matthew 3:22, 4:17, 10:7, Luke 10:9-11 and discuss: when did it look like the Davidic Covenant was unfulfilled? When was the Davidic covenant fulfilled? Describe the kingdom Jesus brought with him. What did the gospel sound like before Jesus’s death? What does the gospel sound like after Jesus’s death? Or another way to ask: what did the gospel sound like in the Gospels, and then what did it sound like in Acts and the epistles?

Day 2: Read Matthew 12:42, John 5:39 and discuss: what mistake did the religious leaders make with the Scriptures in Jesus’s day? How can we avoid making the same mistake? What are some of your favorite pictures or types of Christ in the Old Testament? How does Isaac serve as a type of Christ? What about Joseph? What about Jonah? What are some of your favorite prophecies of Christ (note: prophecies and types are not the same!)?

Day 3: Read 1 Kings 10:1-9, Hebrews 4:13, Revelation 19:9, Isaiah 11:3-4 and discuss: how is Jesus’s knowledge of people superior to Solomon’s? Why is the marriage supper of the Lamb superior to the supper Solomon prepared? Why will our joy serving Christ be greater than Solomon’s servants’ joy when they served him? How is Jesus’s execution of justice greater than Solomon’s? In what ways did Jesus deal with harlots better than Solomon?

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