Need to Know News (19 August 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

The Court has denied the DOJ request to keep the affidavit sealed and ordered that DOJ submit a redacted version and a legal brief intended to justify the redactions by Noon on 25 August 2022, which is next Thursday. Meanwhile the motivation now appears to be that the FBI (goaded by Hillary, I would bet) wanted to secure any proof of her involvement in Russiagate, which Trump had declassified, to keep it under wraps on the specious grounds that was part of "an ongoing investigation": and thereby deprive him of the ability to submit as evidence in judicial procedures. But it has backfired massively. Joe Manchin, who made its passage possible, now admits the Inflation Reduction Act will do nothing to reduce inflation but only make matters worse. So why did he fold, which has disillusioned me about a man I had thought had a spine of steel? And the head of Smith & Wesson has taken off the gloves and callen out the DEMs who have brought about a state of lawlessness across the nation with their campaign to "Defund the Police!", tolerance of rioting, looting and arson, and support for DAs who turn criminals back on the street sooner than they can be indicted to commit more and more crimes. Michael Hayden disgraces himself by attacking Republicans the "most dangerous extremists he has ever seen"! What a crock! NIH failed to ensure that data from clinical trials was publicized in time to make a difference, just as the CDC has reversed itself on its pandemic policies in time for attorneys to take them to court. It turns out the Democrats control the voter rolls in 31 states and have refined the practice of manipulating them to benefit the Democrat Party, And a notorious propagandist burnishes his credentials by attacking me and Alex Jones and extolling (what he mistakenly takes to be) the death of a conspiracy theory, never mentioning what we found or that I have a Petition currently before the United State Supreme Court.
Maryam will be taking an hiatius to complete her book on George Floyd, which promises to be ground-breaking. Check her out at o

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