Episode 362: Terrible Things Are About to Happen - Pump the Breaks

2 years ago

See full description and references at: https://bit.ly/3QXDZj4

‘Terrible Thins Are Going to Happen’ is a quote from former President Trump in reference to the anger related to all that is happening in these United States and particularly around the invasion of his house.
Now, my opening statement could be an emotional trigger. So here is the full headline linked to the full article: Donald Trump Warns ‘Terrible Things Are Going to Happen’ Unless Political Temperature Cools; Blames FBI Raid ( https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/15/donald-trump-warns-terrible-things-are-going-happen-unless-political-temperature-cools-blames-fbi-raid/ )

What are the rumblings regarding ‘terrible things are going to happen?’ Will the citizens act as they did during the Boston Stamp Act response? To this question, in the first and third segments, I will bring the reactions of the 1765 Boston citizens to our present time as well as what were Sam Adams response and actions.

What was said was said before

Here is the reality of the reaction of Bostonians to the Stamp Act, There is Nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). You have heard me quote that a lot over the years. With that in mind, what is newer is that we have been negligent in ensuring the principles of keeping a Republic are inculcated into each generation. The pulpits do not teach of ‘covenant in government’ nor covenant in general, with the exception of some reformation minded pastors and teachers.

We have allowed the ‘Administrative State/Bureaucracies’ to become the rulers, with legislatures abdicating responsibility to these entities. Worse, the legislators have abdicated to the courts as well. We are experiencing ‘terrible things’ by what those in the administrative state and courts take upon themselves to ‘rule’ over the citizenry. The fact is that the elected, the Lesser Magistrates, are not acting in accordance with their ‘Oath’ as responsible agents in the arena of out Political Covenant, being State and Federal Constitutions.

In the second segment I review excerpts of John Witter’s essay ‘Rights, Resistance, and Revolution in the Western Tradition: Early Protestant Foundations.’ It is time that we look back to the teaching of Theodore Beza and understand that Samuel Adams was known as ‘The Father of the Revolution’ because he clearly lived the principles of the Reformers like Beza.

Concerning ‘Terrible Things’ - see link above

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