Diagrammar of physical and fake particles and spectral optical theorem - Zoom talk, CCTP HEP (Crete)

3 years ago

We prove spectral optical identities in quantum field theories of physical particles (defined by the Feynman iε prescription) and purely virtual particles (defined by the fakeon prescription). The identities are derived by means of purely algebraic operations and hold for every (multi)threshold separately and for arbitrary frequencies. Their major significance is that they offer a deeper understanding on the problem of unitarity in quantum field theory. In particular, they apply to "skeleton" diagrams, before integrating on the space components of the loop momenta and the phase spaces. In turn, the skeleton diagrams obey a spectral optical theorem, which gives the usual optical theorem for amplitudes, once the integrals on the space components of the loop momenta and the phase spaces are restored. The fakeon prescription/projection is implemented by dropping the thresholds that involve fakeon frequencies. We give examples at one loop (bubble, triangle, box, pentagon and hexagon), two loops (triangle with "diagonal", box with diagonal) and arbitrarily many loops. We also derive formulas for the loop integrals with fakeons and relate them to the known formulas for the loop integrals with physical particles.

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1. Dalla fisica alla vita - Viaggio nell'infinitamente piccolo e ritorno
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Testo universitario (avanzato):

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