If you are trying to wake up family and friends to what is going on, STOP! Watch this video instead.

2 years ago

When I started watching this video, this articulate and honest young lady references her source of her conclusions as being part of her astrology knowledge and her referencing an astrologer expert was, initially, not going to work for me.

I admit to having a bias against astrology, but because I've never taken the time to really explore those who do believe in it, I decided I'd hear this video all the way without making a judgement.

I'm so glad I did.

This young lady NAILS the explanation and offers what I think is the best advice any "truther," "light warrior," or discriminated against "conspiracy theorist" might want to take to heart.

Her conclusion is very solid and I learned the hard way in my trying to get my family to "wake up." It was like butting my head against a brick wall. I finally gave up, and just accepted the fact that until the truth comes out to mankind all over the world, it is just best to work on yourself and your soul.

When the proof of all the silent horrors we are going through in this war with the deep state finally comes out to the public, those who are asleep will be in the position of either accepting the truth or, continuing to reject.

The 5th density awaits those who do accept the truth and wake up. They can join you in the 5th density world.

Those who won't wake up even after the reality is placed in front of them, will continue to be 3rd density and that is perfectly alright - that is the path their soul must travel as it is always a personal decision to go where you want in these lives.

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