Trade Show Training! On the road again with

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Working the trade shows – they were slowing down in attendance ever since 9/11 and then the pandemic… how to make the most out it.
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You know that even before the pandemic we were complaining about trade show attendance whether you were a buyer or seller. So I just went to a trade show in Orlando and if you were following the surprised lives you saw that the aisles were not packed but you also saw that I was pretty enthusiastic because we got a lot done and we stayed very busy. On today’s Buyers & Sellers show I will talk about some of the very specific things that I do at trade shows, some of which I've always done, others are probably new strategies for the new live trade show world. Grousing and complaining about attendance and how dead it is is not of any value….. the question is how do you take advantage of being one of the few upbeat and positive attendees or exhibitors in this new live environment to get the most out of your visit or your booth investment? Today I will outline a few very specific things both buyers and sellers can do to make attending a live trade show both wonderful and a valuable investment.
Buyers and Sellers Show - TheJaySkinner -

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