Dr. Andreas Noack was Europe's Top Chemist: Exposes Vax and Murdered.

2 years ago

Have you noticed or even been at an athletic event where someone just collapsed, "Suddenly and Unexpectedly" and died? There has been case after case of this all over the world.

This isn't exclusive to athletes. Young people in the prime of their lives with no previous history of illness or disease are going through these same events.

Dr. Noack was the leading scientist in Europe in nano technology with graphene research. It is what he wrote his Doctoral Thesis about.

La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) out of Spain originally found graphene oxide in the Clot Shot stirring much controversy. Dr. Noack using his experstise in this area, did his own research on the Covid-19 "Vaccine" and discovered in was not graphen oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide. There is a BIG difference.

Dr. Noack was able to determine the difference between the two compounds by frequency. What he found will blow you away.

Three days after he published his research, he was visited by the Austrian police (Stasi) and it was filmed. They took him outside and beat him to death in front of his pregnant girlfriend.

This video includes:
1) Dr. Noacks video where he is discussing and proving how he came to his conclusions with other chemist challenging them to prove him wrong.
2) The invasion by the police.
3) The tear jerking farewell from his pregnant girfriend asking you and I to take up the strenth Dr. Noack had and to continue to expose what is in the death jab. To warn the world of the true pandemic which is to come. The deaths of the vaccinated.

A big shout out to @frequency423 on Odysee for being the first I know of to get this information out.

More information on this subject at:

I found out about this in late November 2021 but I myself have had some serious medical issues and was unable to create this comprehensive video on this important topic until now.

His girlfriend is interviewed the day after she made her video and told a totally different story (with the police present of course). That is what they do to doctors, chemists, nurses, and those who go against the grain.

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