2 years ago

The Lord showed me last night that the witches/Satanist are releasing spells to make the body attack itself. This is what happens to a physical body when the body has not immune system for certain diseases.
The Lord showed me last night that the BODY OF CHRIST IMMUNE SYSTEM IS HAVING A CONSCIENCE!
HOWEVER: The Lord said: “The BODY OF CHRIST IS BECOMING ONE BIG SEARED CONSCIENCE” and a conscience gives the body the ability to discern between what is right and what is wrong- but its up to that vessel as to whether they will obey or not.
So we have MANY vessels who are NOW being CULLED out of the BODY of Christ as to whether they are GODS OR NOT. THERE IS A SEPARATING by Gods hands as to whose hearts are His own. And the enemy is having a field day by using those NOT OF GOD to attack the remnant because their heart/consciences have been seared to truth. That’s they are fighting the truth so hard in this hour because they think they know more than God! AND they don’t understand the new MOVE of God- which is to help bring those (who will listen) back into the HEART of God/ and back to His glory/love.
As God is raising you up the enemy is raising up his forces to combat these Front Runners- so its Front Runner against Front Runners of evil who are trying to get things out of God time!~ THESE ARE CALLED TIME BENDERS/WITCHES- born through evil bloodlines!
Like Gods Front Runners who were born for such a time as this: from HOLY BLOODLINES! TO COMBAT THIS SPECIFIC EVIL in our time! BECAUSE WE ARE THE SONS/DAUGTHERS OF ISSACHAR knowing how to tell time! WE keep time with God which is why the devil sent in his forces to delay/ warp, manipulate time in Satan’s attempt to get ahead of GOD! BUT GOD!

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