Federal Judge Could Unseal Trump Raid Affidavit

2 years ago

Yesterday the Biden Department of Justice fought aggressively to stop any portion of the affidavit that was used to obtain a search warrant for the FBI to raid President Trump’s Florida residence from being unsealed. Of course, the obvious question here is why not? What are they afraid those documents might reveal?

Nonetheless, the federal judge in Florida has now indicated that he could unseal at least parts of the Trump raid affidavit within the week.

When you file for a search warrant, it’s required to have an affidavit signed by the FBI agent – sometimes it can be signed by a judge instead – and it has to spell out the predicates as to what happened, and what the possible criminal conduct is, and that it justifies a warrant. Remember to get a search warrant, you have to show probable cause that a crime has been committed. In this particular case, the Justice Department doesn’t want it unsealed, but the media has been calling for it, and so has former President Trump who we told you tweeted for the FBI to “release the documents.”

Now mind you despite President Trump’s words, the lawyers for Team Trump have not as of this time filed any motions with the court requesting the documents be unsealed.

But just yesterday, U.S. Magistrate Bruce Reinhart issued an order stating that the federal government “has not met its burden of showing that the entire affidavit should remain sealed.” And remember, we told you this judge is no supporter of President Trump. The judge also ordered the Biden Administration to provide its proposed redactions within a week, as well as an accompanying legal memo explaining why it feels the redactions are necessary.

While President Trump’s team did not file anything in court, his spokesman Taylor Budowich did tweet out: “[N]o redactions should be necessary and the whole affidavit should be released . . . .”

Editor in Chief at Just the News John Solomon joined me on the broadcast today and offered his assessment of this affidavit and the government’s response:

"Think about this, the government’s current position at the beginning of an investigation where they don’t have a lot of clarity where they’re headed, they already decided they were going to raid a former President’s home. That is shocking. I think another thing they said in their motions that jumped out is, you know, we’ve been told this is all about records – a records dispute, over classified records and presidential records. But then he made a reference that if we have to release this affidavit we’re going to jeopardize other ongoing investigations. So wait, are there other things that we don’t know about? And was that search actually about those other investigations?"

"As I dig deeper and start talking to law enforcement there’s a growing feeling that maybe this very broad search warrant which was pitched as a look for presidential records may have had some other motives looking for some other evidence that could benefit a case like January 6th . . . that’s what I think we’re going to find out."

As I said to John, I still cannot figure out why no one has moved to recuse this judge. He removed himself from another Trump case. He posted anti-Trump sentiments on social media. And then he signed a search warrant to send the FBI rummaging through President Trump’s home. And you have the DOJ admitting it’s early in the investigation, but we’re going to make history by raiding a former President’s home for the very first time.

As John Solomon added:

"It’s stunning. And you know there’s a new poll out today that shows that trust in the FBI is at an all-time low. I think that’s one of the long-term dangers. The more the FBI overreaches, the more the FBI ends up having to reverse itself in cases, the more the American public lacks trust in an agency that’s really important to our security. This is a national crisis, I think, coming, the lack of trust in one of our most important agencies."

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more discussion of Judge Reinhart’s statement and what may happen next, as well as more with John Solomon, who currently serves as CEO and Editor-in-Chief of JustTheNews.com.

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