10k Subscriber Special! Arcadia Obscura - The Act: An Interactive Comedy

3 years ago

https://arcadeheroes.com - When I started uploading videos of arcade games to my channel back in 2007, my equipment was...terrible. I also had a lot to learn about videography. I've improved on both ever since, and now this channel about a niche in gaming has finally surpassed the 10k level. Thank you for subscribing!
The subject of today's video is a throwback to my first two videos, which were showcasing an unreleased coin-op arcade title by the name of The Act: An Interactive Comedy. This game is seen in the center frame of the AH opener on all of my modern videos, but with my current capture hardware, it's too advanced for the ol' VGA inputs and resolution, so direct-cap didn't work. I also fail to reach the end on this one, as the trackball just doesn't work out right for the heimlich maneuver scene.

HOWEVER - as weird as coincidences go - I had a couple come in and play the game through today(which is fairly rare anymore), where they did manage to figure out that scene and played until they beat the game! So it is possible just takes some practice.

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