11 Foods You Should Be Eating For A Healthy Colon

2 years ago

As gross as it may sound, discussing the number 2 can be uncomfortable for many. Just because you can't see your insides doesn't mean they're healthy. Let's get honest for a second here, do you feel backed up after eating bacon, hot dogs, or steak? Overeating red meat could be terrible for your colon. It can even make you undergo the dreaded colonoscopy at a young age. A backed-up colon may be the start of hemorrhoids, polyps, and even cancer. But not if you eat the right foods. Wondering what to eat? Let's get into some colon-friendly foods.

Today's video will explore foods you should eat to strengthen your colon. Does yogurt help? Is switching to plant-based foods the right option? We're discussing all that and more.

#HealthyColon #ColonCancer #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/EVdv9nXF

Intro - 0:00
Oatmeal - 0:47
Whole Grain Bread - 1:26
Leafy Greens - 2:34
Yogurt - 3:28
Olive Oil - 4:03
Garlic - 4:41
Cucumbers - 5:53
Raspberries - 6:32
Mango - 7:06
Beans And Legumes - 7:36
Lean Meat And Oily Fish - 8:22


Oatmeal is incredibly nutritious. It is a storehouse of fiber, calcium, Vitamin D, and many micronutrients.

Whole Grain Bread
Regrettably, the tastiest breakfast options like white bread, bagels, burger buns, croissants, or anything with puff pastry are not the best choice for your colon. Processed grains have become integral to cereals, pasta, snacks, stews, and even salads.

Leafy Greens
Eating green vegetables goes beyond iceberg lettuce as a burger topping. Green veggies are crammed with folate, iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber, Vitamin E, C, and K. Try making a green salad with spinach, swiss chard, arugula, artichokes, or kale.

Are you drinking fancy shakes and swigs of health tonics to soothe your colon? You might want to put them down for a cup of yogurt. This probiotic is more natural, cheaper, and an excellent option.

Olive Oil
Whether you are making salads, sauteing, or grilling vegetables, a dash of olive oil always enhances the taste. It can make your dish stand out as if it came right from the Mediterranean region.

Garlic is a superfood in the kitchen due to its numerous health benefits. But the typical garlic breath has tarnished its reputation. Current meta-analysis holds evidence that garlic reduces colon cancer. It also decreases the risk of noncancerous growth.

Wait a minute! Did you think of cucumber as a vegetable? Surprisingly it's a fruit! Cucumber adds a perfect punch of fiber and nutritional value to your food.

Red raspberries play a minor role in killing stomach and cancer cells. But do you know what is even more effective? Black raspberries! They might look like blackberries but are sweeter than them.

Studies have shown eating mango for 8 weeks could decrease symptoms of ulcerative colitis and several biomarkers related to colon cancer.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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