The Holy Rosary 15 Decades with music in the background

2 years ago

The full Rosary 15 decades. Each decade has 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Maries and 1 Glory Be. Its origin way back. In the 9th century Irish monks would chant the 150 Psalms, the lay people wanted to join in but was not easy. beads were used to keep track of have many were said and 150 Our Fathers were substituted for the 150 Psalms. In 1208 Saint Dominic received a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary and she told him to use this pray now changed to 15 sections and many mysteries of our faith to meditate on as one prayed the rosary. this stop the heresy of that time and brought back many to the Catholic faith. Blessed Alan de la Rouche help in 1428 to 1475 to again inspire to recitation of the rosary. Praying the rosary is a sign of predestination. Because it keeps our faith always in mind, which helps to avoid sin and increases our love of God. Our Lady and Mother helps us as the best of mothers to form us to the image of Jesus our Divine Redeemer true God and true man, son of Mary, the Mother of all whom Christ redeems and saves.

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