Larry Ortega- Legal recourses to fraudulent elections, Dodge County, NE Commissioners Meeting.

2 years ago

Professor Clements "Why We Should Remove Rigged Election Machines" Dodge County, Nebraska Commissioners Meeting
August 11th 2022 - Larry Ortega

Other high level experts could be brought in, Professor Clements offers to come back and present in more detail. We hope the commissioners will work together with constituents! All of this that was presented is important to understand because violation of election code is a felony and assisting in violation of election codes is a felony!

Larry Ortega explains at the Dodge County Nebraska County Commissioners Meeting. If we declare the 2020 election fraudulent everyone that was elected becomes unelected, every vote they made is pulled back and is not valid. Then we would revote that election. That could happen with this upcoming election!

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