MR. NON-PC - The Unvaccinated Are The Real Control Group

2 years ago

Can you remember back to when the Helter Skelter Race Baiting Media as well as the Satanic U.S Government deceived the masses and said "15 days to slow the spread" as well as the other numerous lies about the CovidCult?

Who can forget how they destroyed small businesses, ruined families, friendships, workplaces and our entire world to a larger degree.

But to those that refused to take the "Easy Bake Oven Vaccine" like myself and many others...WE are the real control group!!!

We had to endure being called names, being discriminated against with "Medical Apartheid" that THEY CREATED! They traumatized their neighbors, families, co-workers, friends and CHILDREN!

Shame on all these fools, they will have to live with their actions for the rest of their lives.

But I have comfort knowing that I NEVER took the PC-Poison and I DID NOT participate in their madness. And the best part of all is I can sleep easier at night knowing I did the right thing!

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