CeeLo Green - Forget You - Cover - Ken Tamplin

2 years ago

Ain't that some ssssh?! Let's have some fun with CeeLo Green's Forget You!

CeeLo Green - Forget You ft. Ken Tamplin

Someone messaged me and said: "You claim to sing in any style, but can you sing something like CeeLo Green's "Forget You?"

I thought to myself, CeeLo Green is one of those voices (kinda like Stevie Wonder), that for me would sound just plain silly to try to emulate. HOWEVER...

I am always up for a good challenge and thought this would be a great opportunity to make a point and the point is this:

If there's a song we would love to sing, even if it is out of our style or even range, we can always have our own interpretation of that song and make it our own.

So that's exactly what I did! I sing it like me. I was influenced by his phrasing, his note choices, some of his swag, and added my own inflections, energy, and personality to the song.

Did I sing it as good as him? To be honest, I am not interested in grading myself on sounding exactly like someone else. I think I sang it well for me.

And I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this fun Motown R&B classic.

(It kinda reminds me of something Mark Ronson would've done had he produced this song).

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What Is My Vocal Range and Voice Type: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

How To Get Over Stage Fright and Fear of Singing Publicly: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

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Oh, yeah! And here's some news some of you may be interested in:
Some Fun Nostalgia For You.
My Old Shout Records Have Been Remastered.
For Anyone Interested: You Can Find Them Here:
#CeeLoGreen #forgetyou #KenTamplinVocalAcademy

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