Gov. Ron DeSantis announces 20 people violating election laws will be arrested

2 years ago

Gov. Ron DeSantis stood in front of deputies Thursday in a room where his staff handed out signs that read, "my vote counts,” and announced that 20 people have been arrested and charged with voter fraud.

“I think, unfortunately, there will be more prosecutions for the illegal felons,” DeSantis said.

He said they are all convicted murderers or sex offenders who either registered to vote or voted even though they're not eligible.

DeSantis called this proof his new Office of Election Crimes and Security was needed.

“This is something where we spring into action very quickly. We got the money July 1. Already have hired people, already going to work, and I think it shows that this is something we take very seriously as a state,” DeSantis said.

Those arrested could face five years in prison and be fined up to $5,000.

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