Episode 65: The Facts on 5G with Cece Doucette

2 years ago

What's the deal with 5G? It sure is convenient, efficient, dare we say...fascinating? But is it SAFE? We are INUNDATED with it, so surely someone is making sure we aren't being harmed by it. Right? When we learned that the FCC lost a lawsuit in which it was revealed that the very agency that is supposed to regulate these things was found guilty of NOT protecting us...we immediately looked to the companies that benefit from 5G. And...of course...we found lobbyists and government and big tech and corporations.....doing what they apparently do, to our detriment. So we reached out to an expert on 5G, Cece Doucette, Education Services Director with the international non-profit Wireless Education, to learn, to separate fact from fiction, and to find the practical things we ALL can do to protect ourselves. Watch, follow, and share!

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