Laura Ingraham – Big Tech Censors Will Strike Again, 3907

2 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Until the last month, I’d been hoping against hope that someone would fix the election process. Now don’t get me wrong, state and county GOP committees across the nation are shutting down – or, at least limiting access to voting drop boxes wherever they can – but the Monster Vote in election 2020 overwhelmed the dropbox cheat, to the point that the minions of Satan had to risk exposing their ace in the hole, they had to stop the count and then shovel in more Biden votes in backdoor of the voting machines in order to squeeze out a win.

Although that backdoor cheat has been partially exposed, have you heard anywhere that voting machines have been removed from the Internet? Nope. Have you heard that voter ID has been mandated nationwide? Nope.

And finally, has big Tech been prevented from censorship during these few remaining weeks before the election? Nope. In fact Big Tech is feeling so far above the reach of any laws that they are bragging about what they did the last time, and even having the Biden administration urge them to increase their suppression efforts for added cover!

Laura Ingrham hit the nail on the head last night.


There is one other thing we can do. I think the polls are being skewed again, but this time it’s even more glaring than before.

For example, in the Wisconsin Senate race, Sen. Ron Johnson – a very popular 3-term incumbent, is supposedly trailing his leftist opponent by 4 points??? That’s just not possible. Remember, the Wisconsin Supreme court has taken the lead of any court in the nation declaring the use of voting drop boxes to be illegal in most cases.

In Arizona, a state which more than even Wisconsin has shown the fraud in the big metro counties, Sen. Mark Kelly, who has only been in the Senate for two years after the death of John McCain, leads the Republican by 8 points?

Notice how Kelly’s face is well lit, but Masters’ face is horribly lit, making him look almost satanic. Whoever made the decision at FoxNews to use that photo is working for the Desperados.

Anyway, Kelly is the embodiment of Arizona’s ingrained election cheating, and he can’t possibly win without it.

So don’t go counting your chickens for the upcoming election. Unfortunately, other serving as poll watchers, with the Desperados in charge of the White House and Congress, there is little we can do but get out and vote and tell everyone you know to ignore these fake polls.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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