2 years ago

Regardless of if you like Trump or not, NONE of us are perfect but GOD CAN & WILL USE ANYONE THAT HE NEEDS TO USE. It is not up to us if we like him or not, if God chooses to use Him then we need to Trust God’s plan. Don’t watch it if you don’t want too, and please do not send negative comments. If you don’t want to listen then don’t and keep scrolling.

I rarely share anything regarding prophetic words unless to close friends/family because I’m leery about those things but I feel like people need to see a couple of videos. Kim’s daughter Donne’ put this together. Almost everything this man has ever prophesied has come to pass at some point. Kim Clement (from South Africa) predicted 911, Obama, Trump, North Korea, Stock Market, & many, many other things that have happened AND are happening right now. He never lived to see anything about Trumps presidency except the fact that he won. He died a few days later on 11/23/2016. The things that God showed this man will give you goosebumps because of what is happening right now all the way down to the “Two Presidents” & “Pandemonium & Betrayal in the White House”. I have watched these many times & cried from what we are witnessing & being a part of.. Ask God to show you if it is real or not. God has a master plan with this entire situation so do not be dismayed or feel like He has left us. Everything is right on time, just like He wants it to be. Have FAITH & keep praying!

***PLEASE NOTE: Regarding the “2 Terms” I believe it’s one of 2 things: 1 – He technically did win 2 terms. 2. – He will be back in office for his second one. * No idea if either are right but it’s the only explanation I can think of for myself ***

You can find all of his videos and writings on the website his daughter takes care of. It is called: HouseOfDestiny.Org

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