Jeff Salzberg: Time to grow up?

2 years ago

Society is becoming so bitterly divided that it seems Western culture is falling apart. Have we forgotten how to be human? Do we need to grow up?

In this episode, Jeff Salzberg, host of 'The Daily Evolver Podcast', introduces the concept of integral thinking which offers us the potential to appreciate the goodness, truth and beauty of different perspectives, even when they are at odds.

Join us for this important philosophical conversation as we begin to explore how this worldview can help to bring about meaningful change.

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About Jeff Salzman

Jeff Salzman is a student and teacher of integral theory, exploring the evolution of human consciousness and culture. He is the co-founder of the Boulder Integral Centre, a global centre for integral study and practice, and a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Cultural Evolution.

Integral theory is a school of philosophy that seeks to integrate all of human wisdom into a new, emergent worldview that is able to accommodate the gifts of all previous worldviews, including those which have been historically at odds: science and religion, Eastern and Western schools of thought, and pre-modern, modern and post-modern worldviews.

Integral consciousness is not about reconciling opposing worldviews as much as it is about accommodating them, factoring in their blind spots, and appreciating the goodness, truth and beauty each of them brings.

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