Unsure Of The Future? Consider This Advice From An Accomplished Cattle Rancher And Farmer.

2 years ago

In this episode, we talk with Aaron Dukes, Esquire from Dukes Legal, P.A. Aaron Dukes is not only an attorney, but he is also a cattle rancher and farmer that is an expert in agriculture and livestock raising.

Aaron spends his time taking care of his cattle operation and experimenting with small-scale gardening methods. Being self-sufficient requires a multi-faceted skillset, and Aaron describes what it takes to take part in this rugged lifestyle.

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Listen now to learn about:

1. Aaron’s approach to meat production.
2. The potential supply chain issues on the horizon.
3. The necessary fertilizers to use in farming.
4. The dangers of taking our food supplies for granted.

Do you have what it takes to produce your own food supply? With economic uncertainty in the future, it is certainly worth finding out!

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