2 years ago

"LIVE LIFE LIKE YOU HAVE CANCER" a powerful statement from our amazing client.

This is a must watch for everyone as this really helps bring awareness to a Dis-Ease that is now predicted to be 1 in 2 will get cancer


Big Pharma has been at this for years, it should be called BIG CANCER

I will challenge any Oncologist or Doctors to a debate and show how the current system is completely flawed and backwards, and highlight how they are killing and injuring millions around the world whilst getting incentivised

Healing is simple, very simple. The hardest thing is accepting this truth, especially with the conditioning we have had over the years. Look at the way they lied and pushed fear continuously when it came to Covid and the Jabs

This is the same system and same people involved

We are so powerful as humans and this is a really informative video that will help so many people who have to deal with the news of Cancer.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is our blueprint healing system and we all have the power to Activate it!

Using Plant Medicine (cannabis thc oil) is the best and most synergistic way to fire up that system

To find out more information on Cannabis Oil join our telegram page

Lads Talk Health

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