Get Your Indie Game Into Arcades! #NoticeMe Game Jam & The Arcade Game Jam With Sega

3 years ago
1 - Two "game jams" are starting up this week that are proffering the opportunity for an independent game developer to have their creation put into a real coin-op arcade cabinet. I discuss both in this video:

-The #NoticeMe Game Jam by GCX & GameMaker Studio 2
-The Arcade Jam w/ Sega Amusements

#NoticeMe website:
Arcade Jam website:

While they both have some differences, it's a great opportunity for experienced or budding game developers to get into the biz. The latter would mean that you've made a game for Sega though, so for those who lament about what Sega has become in modern times, here's your chance to show them what you think their games should be like.

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