Is Your Christianity Authentic

2 years ago

Is Your Christianity Authentic

established in the first century. Productions like "The Chosen" do a far more accurate job in portraying the life of the early church."

You know, as an aside, look at how, in "The Chosen," the Scribes and the Pharisees were totally against Jesus. The Establishment was totally against Him. Nothing has changed, guys, it is still this way, and I will explain that to you later on in the message.

"How long will you slumber, oh intelligent ones? How long will you follow man and reject what I have given you in the early church? Do you not understand that Satan has infiltrated ALL the churches? And under the guise of righteous protection and accuracy? Has continued the tradition of men and their interpretation of Scripture? To destroy what I left you in the first century? I do not assign malice to those who carry on their denominational slant on the Scriptures, arguing their viewpoint as being 'superior.' That is merely a function of ignorance on their part and a lack of study, going along with the crowd, perpetuating man's dogma. Study yourselves to be approved of God, not man. Take your three piece suit off, roll up your sleeves and stop the incessant posturing to make yourself look Kosher in the eyes of the world. Contemporary society that you long, so long to fit in to, for the secure and beautiful life men supposed to be from Me. It is not from Me. It is from your need to fit in and be accepted. That is why you will not examine the early church; it will bring you into conflict with the doctrines the enemy has used to destroy My graces.

"Do belong to Me or do you belong to your denomination? Do you truly belong to Me or to your bank account? Do you truly belong to Me or to your social connections? Many of you who feel so secure in your Christianity will be left behind because your heart is not Mine. You live by a twisted prosperity version of the gospel.

"You are living a version of Christianity with no guts. No suffering, no lack or need, no disease, no poverty, no demonic infestation, and no persecution. Now stand beside the Apostles in "The Chosen" and see your nakedness for yourself. Examine your life and see if it has anything in common with Mine. That should tell you something that you are doing is way off track. This is a wakeup call for the Body of Christ. Time is closing in on you and you are far from prepared to be My Bride without spot, wrinkle, or blemish.

"What does it mean to have a spot? When was the last time you chose a more socially acceptable solution to keep from being criticized by the wealthy? Did someone come to you to get deliverance from demonic oppression, but you sent them to another church, because "We do not do that kind of thing here, that is for low lifers and drug addicts. We do not have that problem here."

"What does it mean to have a wrinkle? Do you habitually- "

Well, let us see-To go back about the spot, there is a spot of self- righteousness in the person who would have that kind of an attitude. It would show up as a spot.

"What does it mean to have a wrinkle? Do you habitually avoid the poor in your church, choosing to have lunch with your peers rather than inviting them to join you and paying for their meals? How many times have you dodged those who were beneath you because you would look bad if you were seen with them? A wrinkle is a long-standing habit of rejecting that which you should embrace for the love of God. So, you want to build your social standing by hobnobbing with the wealthy and avoiding the poor and those with a questionable background.

"And what does it mean to have a blemish? If your heart is pure, your blood will be pure, your thoughts will be pure, what is on the inside of you will be pure. How many times do you find fault with what people are wearing, where they work, and what they do for a living? When you judge them, you are judging Me as well, for I live inside of them. And whether you see it or not, that is a spiritual blemish on your own soul just as surely as a leprosy eating away your nose.

"I am presenting you with a mirror. My mirror, so you can determine where you stand with Me, not man. I am giving you more time, along with wake-up calls to those who believe themselves to be My Brides. I want you ready when come, but there is still much work to be done in your souls and I am explaining much of it here so that you will have no excuse on that day. If you are left behind, you will remember this message and other messages from My Church, warning you to be ready for I am coming for a holy bride, not a halfhearted sell out to the world Bride.

"Take My hand now, examine your life, and your doctrine, because there is so much error in Christian learning establishments, and no one wants to rock the boat. That is all right, they can stay in their boats, but the truth seekers will capsize those boats and I will surely have them in Heaven with Me on that day.

Wow, Lord, that is kind of a hard message.

And it is interesting because I just got a Rhema last night that said, Son of Man, I am sending you to the church. Rebels who have rebelled against Me, they and their fathers have rebelled against Me to this very day. Hard of face, and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you, but you shall say to them, thus says the Lord God. And whether they heed or resist, for they are a rebellious house, they shall know that I have sent you among them. That is from Ezekiel 2.

And the things I have shared with you are nothing new, this has been going on, I mean this is just like in society, there is always posturing, preferences, and the need for security.

But guys, do you want to be left behind? I mean really- take a minute and think about it. Because the ones who are following false doctrine and are not living the life that the Lord lived, as an example to us, they may very well be left behind. Do you want to be in that crowd? I certainly do not.

I want to get rid of every spot, wrinkle and blemish out of my life, and you know what, guys, I have a lot of pride. I try not to go there, but it still happens. Sometimes I have judgment and attitudes, which is so wrong, but with this message I am definitely going to work harder to keep after myself clean for that day, because I DO NOT want to be here after the Rapture.

And I am praying for all of you that these words will really go deep into your heart. You examine your lives and make them conform as closely as possible to the lives that the Apostles lived, so there will be no excuse on that day, and you will be taken.

So, please, take all this to heart, and consider what the Lord has said about the early church, she is so different than what we have today. And she has been stripped of many important graces. So, do take a look into your own heart and be sure you are on right standing with the Lord.

The Lord bless you now, and may His sweet, loving peace be with you as you confront these things in your lives. Amen.

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