Latifah Faisal & Linda Murken (Story County, Iowa) defeated by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

2 years ago

Considering Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal is a founding member of the cult of Anthony Fauci & was screeching like a lunatic when Kim Reynolds & the legislature forced some of Iowa’s Democrat-leaning districts to have in-school instruction I began saving screencaps of HHS data pertaining to Inpatient Bed Utilization by State back on January 12th.

As I documented numerous times in my COVID-19 essays ( ) the states (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR) that had no shelter in place or stay-at-home order had much lower death rates than the cluster of lockdown states (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, RI) & children are at a very low risk of COVID-19.

None of this mattered to Latifah Faisal (especially) or the vacuous Linda Murken – Latifah was engaging in hair-on-fire hysterics over kids going back to school (the lockdowns as I have also chronicled, were devastating to a lot of children who did school on Zoom for a year or more) & whined in generalized fashion that Kim Reynolds should “do something.”

Latifah Faisal was afraid to answer a question I had for her to pertaining to a vote the Story County, Iowa Supervisors took prior to the November 2020 election where they urged Kim Reynolds (and even mentioned NY’s order in their deliberation) to have some sort of stay-at-home order. She wanted lockdowns in Iowa, but was afraid to admit it because I would’ve recorded it & used it against her.

So, these screenshots of various states (NY, IA, MD, MA, WA) will show you what % of inpatient beds in a given state are in use & what % of those beds are taken up by COVID-19 patients. Be advised, some of the COVID-19 totals are likely inflated (even Herr Anthony Fauci has admitted this) as some folks are in the hospital WITH COVID, not because of COVID-19.

So, for what it’s worth as those screenshots roll by of those states (I added Massachusetts & Washington state later), here is the cumulative averages & if you are listening Latifah Faisal, Linda Murken or any other maniacal Hobbit over there – tell me what Kim Reynolds did better than some of those other governors & your answer must be specific.

United States cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use (21 days I examined; all were random) = 75.687%

United States cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 8.380% for the random time frames I saved

Iowa cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use = 67.203%

Iowa cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 5.18%

Latifah Faisal, Linda Murken or any other useless know-it-all who has never made a dime in the private sector—what did Kim Reynolds do to make Iowa perform better than the national average? Unless you are going to argue, “It would have been so much better if she did X” & I welcome that because you will likely paint yourself into a corner. Let’s continue.

New York cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use = 78.472%

New York cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 9.665%

Oh noes Latifah Faisal, what did Kathy Hochul do wrong, why are NY’s metrics so much higher than the national average? Why are they so much higher than Iowa’s? Do tell, wise one, do tell.

Maryland cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use = 82.059%

Maryland cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 10.583%

Washington cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use = 82.277%

Washington cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 7.13%

Massachusetts cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use = 84.755%

Massachusetts cumulative average % of Inpatient Beds in use for COVID-19 = 3.641%

Granted, these 21 (or 16 for WA & MA) data points are just a fraction of the full data, but you do get a good look (much like constantly polling of 1000 RVs prior to an election) at what is going on & it is as obvious as the nose on your face that Iowa was doing much better than all those other states I covered as far as a percentage of Inpatient Beds that are occupied.

Iowa did much better pertaining to the % of Inpatient Beds occupied for COVID-19 than New York, Maryland & Washington. I would ask Latifah Faisal and/or “Loony” Linda Murken – what did Kim Reynolds & the Iowa Legislature (I think many Governors seriously abused their “Emergency Powers” during this Plandemic, many legislatures were ignored & sometimes the State Supreme Court had to step in & restore order) do better than their counterparts in New York, Washington & Maryland?

I doubt either of them could cough up answer of any magnitude, it would be a lot of empty platitudes & bureaucratic nonsense.

Remember, Iowa’s response to COVID-19 was much, much less intrusive than any of the other states I covered & Iowa’s economy is doing much better. Latifah Faisal wanted your kids at home & still NOT in school August of 2021.

She wanted Iowa to “do more” to stop COVID-19 & whatever fixes this lunatic thought up (read: copied from some blogger) would end up doing nothing to move the needle on deaths, but it would cost us more jobs & don’t forget – a boatload of taxpayer cash from the folks who are still working.

In closing, Latifah Faisal, Linda Murken & anyone else in Iowa or anywhere else that wanted kids out of school for a year plus (which did happen a lot in some bigger school districts, even in GOP-dominated states – but were far more likely in places like NY & CA) & wanted your kids vaccinated (despite the risk to healthy children being almost zero) has no business in any position of public servitude unless it’s dog catcher.

Latifah Faisal will be up for re-election in 2024, Linda Murken has to face the music in November. Remember that! Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

PS Latifah Faisal is in favor of open borders & this invasion we are seeing right now. She wants as many illegal aliens as possible dumped inside Iowa’s borders. She wants to sign them up for welfare as many of them do not work & then she wants to sign them up to vote.

Just as many of her voters lack merit, she wants immigration to be sans merit, easier for her to get re-elected by folks who do not work, but they do vote.

#latifahfaisal #faisal4storycounty

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