Kubrick's mom on the set of The Shining

2 years ago

Gert Kubrick: "And why is the script in multi-coloured pages? Anything?"

Stanley Kubrick: "Each time we make a new version, at first you get very methodical - each time you make a new version, you put a different colour in. After a while, you're lucky if people get copies of the changes."

Jack Nicholson: "It's so that you start with white, then you go to blue, then pink, then green, then yellow."

Gert Kubrick: "But I just wondered..."

Stanley Kubrick: "But what happens is..."

Jack Nicholson: "It's so that when everybody's got their script out, you can look right over and know if they've got the latest version. But of course..."

Stanley Kubrick: "...that never happens."

Jack Nicholson: "They never have the latest version."

Gert Kubrick: "So, a blue or a yellow... isn't significant?"

Stanley Kubrick: "No."

Gert Kubrick: "It's just colours."

Jack Nicholson: "I quit using my script. I just take the ones they type up each day."

Gert Kubrick: "Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?"

Jack Nicholson, Stanley Kubrick: "Nope."

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