ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE 2011 Survivors of Worldwide Zombie Plague Must Band Together TRAILER & MOVIE in HD & W/S

2 years ago

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE 2011 - Three small groups of survivors of a zombie virus plague that decimates 90% of the world join forces to reach a ferry boat to a sanctuary that they believe exists on Catalina Island, offshore from Los Angeles. Along the way they are attacked by hordes of zombies.

Not a European film, but we placed the trailer here just for the title being so much like the 1980s European Zombie movies we have on this channel. Yes, it's a form of click-bait I suppose, but check out this channel for LOTS MORE Classic Italian Zombie movies. (Subscribe to this channel as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

This is the Trailer, you can watch the Complete Movie in HD & Widescreen on our channel Millennial Monsters & Mayhem, like below:


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